What is a screen reader? 

A screen reader is an assistive technology that allows people with disabilities to "read" a website, document, or app -- even if they can't see the screen. Screen readers will announce the words on a webpage, the heading levels on a PDF, the alternative text of images, where links will lead a user to, and button or navigation options. 

Typically, screen readers are software's that can be downloaded to a person's personal or work device. Some common screen readers include JAWS, VoiceOver, and NVDA.


Who can a screen reader help?

Screen readers are an essential tool that helps a variety of people. People who use screen readers can include those who are:

  • Blind
  • Visually impaired
  • Dyslexic
  • Illiterate 


How are screen readers used? 

Screen reader users navigate through a webpage by using a series of keyboard shortcuts. By using these shortcuts, users who can't see a computer screen or can't read the language a page is written in can still fully interact with the content. 


Additional Resources 

Screen Readers - American Foundation for the Blind 

How Screen Readers Make Digital Content Accessible - audioEye 


Still need help?

Let us know! We are happy to answer your questions about accessibility. 

Madison Ellis, Accessibility Specialist



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